This is assuming Repetier Host and Repetier Firmware. The same techniques work with Marlin and Pronterface, but you'll need to modify the variable names a smidge.
Printer Height
- Set the Z max length. Mine is 449.65
- First set the Z Max to higher than your z (in eeprom or firmware).
- Home the printer, dial M114 - this should spit out your Z_MAX_LENGTH exactly. If it doesn't, check that the most current firmware is on there, and that the eeprom values match.
- Lower the hotend - either send G0 Z100 down, or click the Z Down.
- Repeat until a piece of paper can just slide underneath the hotend.
- Send M114 - it should be X0 Y0 Z<value>
- Your Z_MAX_LENGTH is the old Z_MAX_LENGTH minus the current Z<value>.
- Write this into the firmware.
Level the Build Plate
- Your plate has leveling screws; the next step is to make sure that the plate is parallel to the plane of the hotends' motion.
- In Repetier, set up four gcode scripts
- on the right hand pane, select the 'gcode editor' tab.
- From the dropdown, select 'script 1'
- Script 1:
- g28; //home the printer
- g0 f8000 x-133 y0 z10 //move to one of the towers
- Script 2:
- g28
- g0 f8000 x56.5 y97.86 z10
- Script 3:
- g28
- g0 f8000 x56.5 y-97.86 z10
- Script 4:
- g28
- g0 f8000 x0 y0 z10
- Each script will move the hotend 10mm above the print surface; 1-3 form an equilateral triangle near the bed adjustment screws, and 4 is the center.
- Run Script 4.
- Lower the hotend manually 10mm - it should be just touching the bed - if not, adjust your Z_MAX_LENGTH until it is.
- Run Script 1.
- Lower the hotend manually until it touches the build plate.
- If it touches at zero, congrats! You're level.
- If it touches above zero, increase PRINTER_RADIUS
- If it touches below zero, decrease PRINTER_RADIUS
- I had to add 5.25mm to my printer radius.
- I did this 1mm at a time, recording the height each time.
- When it stops improving, go .25mm the other way.
- I think 1/4mm accuracy is fine, but feel free to go farther.
- Note that PRINTER_RADIUS isn't in the eeprom - you'll need to set it in firmware and then reload the firmware.
- The Z_MAX_HEIGHT shouldn't change during this process, but it's always helpful to check and record it every cycle - it ensures nothing odd is happening.
At this point, you should be able to print anything! Next post will be about checking dimensional accuracy, and I promise to throw some pictures in.